Help Center
How do I cancel my subscription?
Here are the steps to cancel your subscription:
- Login. Click ‘My Account’ in upper right.
- Choose “Memberships” in the left account menu.
- Click the ‘Cancel’ button.
- A confirmation email will be automatically sent to the email address on file. Please check this to confirm you have cancelled.
Come back anytime! Simply use your same username and password to log in. Head back to your account page and click ‘Renew Subscription.‘
How to use a coupon code?
You can enter the coupon code during checkout.
I am an apprentice at Authentic Pilates Learning Center. How do I get my free access?
Please contact us to get your free one-year access to Authentic Pilates Online while you are completing your training with us. We will email you all of the instructions.
Is Authentic Pilates Online available in all countries?
Unfortunately, several countries block the video hosting platform that we use.These countries include China, North Korea and Indonesia. You can still view the videos if you are using a VPN (virtual private network.)